相應阿含佛法研習 Samyukta Agama-Buddhist Studies Workshop


      ~ZOOM Online 雲端聞法共修~



Second Sunday of the Month
February 11, 2024 Mandarin Dharma Study Class


9:30 to 10:50 AM

Class to watch DVD lectures in Mandarin by Venerable Jing-Guang (淨光法師) on原始佛教四聖諦如來禪--因緣觀與生命療癒for about 50 minutes. Followed by discussions, sharing, Q & As under the guidance of the Venerable. This is a series of talks which presents a very thorough and insightful exposition on mindfulness and healing power in our daily life. Listening to these talks will be very helpful in your understanding of the Buddhas original teachings.


11:00 AM to 11:45 NOON

Dharma Talks by Venerable Yuan-Ming 釋圓明法師 on Samyukta Agama (雜阿含經論會編), based on Master Yin-Shuns book. 研習《雜阿含經》可以體會佛陀慈悲智慧的教導,猶如親臨現前。佛陀教導苦與苦的息滅,此一乘菩提道從根、境二法入,觀察自身的生命經驗,此生當下即可直達究竟解脫……「即身觀察,緣自覺知,現法涅槃,不待時節」。


 Venerable Yuan-Ming釋圓明(潤心)法師 will lead in the class.

The Four Noble Truths Mituo Chan's

Dharma Teachings and Meditation Practices


Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Fridays

Synchronized with Taiwan's The Four Noble Truths - Buddhacitta Mountain,

ZOOM Online Dharma Lessons

Contents: Dharma teachings and pratices of Agama Sutra,

Avataṃsaka Sūtra and Lotus Sutras

(From 4:30-5:30pm)


DTSC One-day Mi-tuo Chan Retreat


(From 10:30am ~ 3:00pm)

Lunch Potluck, welcome to bring vegetarian food for sharing!

Contents of Retreat: Dharma Studies, Insight Meditation,

Sitting/Standing/Walking Meditation.


Your participation are most WELCOME!


*If you wish to participate in the Zoom Cloud Dharma Talks sessions,

please contact by phone/email in order to get the ID/Password, thank you!



Note: Classes are leading by Venerable Yuan Ming (Run Xin), languages will be in Cantonese and Mandarin.


Guiding Master at Study Center: Venerable Master Jing Guang


法藏學苑@竹林精舍DTSC-BGVI Facebook links:

